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Analysis and Discussion on Energy Supply to Non-Road Electric Vehicles in Brazil




Abstract - This work describes the recharging supply of non-road electric vehicles acting in urban areas in Brazil. The fast penetration of these vehicles in the market imposes the introduction of new methodologies and procedures for planning studies in order to evaluate their possible effects on demand load and energy in a typical power system distribution area. A performance analysis of these vehicles is developed and additionally it is calculated the fuel savings and emissions avoided if internal combustion vehicles were utilized instead of non-road electric vehicles. The results show that the utilization of these vehicles  presents potential opportunities for utilities and users with the advantage  of diminishing the air pollution.


Keywords - distribution systems, electric vehicles, energy, air pollution



Evaluation of Soft Switching for EV and HEV Motor Drivers




Abstract - Soft switching has the potential of reducing switch stresses and of lowering the switching losses as compared to hard switching. For this reason, several soft-switching topologies have been presented in the literature. Each topology has some advantages. Their operation, however, requires additional active and/or passive elements. This introduces additional coast and complexity. To understand the effectiveness of soft-switching technique, when applied to electric vehicles (EV) and hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) systems, it may be necessary to first evaluate their system requirements and performance. This evaluation process would require knowledge of vehicle dynamics. The vehicle load requires a special torque-speed profile from the drivetrain of minimum power ratings to meet the vehicle’s operational constraints, such as initial acceleration and gradability. The selection of motor and its control for EV and HEV applications are dictated mainly by this special torque-speed requirement. As a consequence, this requirement will have a strong influence on the converter operation. This paper makes an attempt to evaluate EV and HEV running in both standard Federal Test Procedure 1975 city driving and highway driving cycles. A simplified analysis will be carried out for several of most commonly used electric motors operating on the optional torque-speed profile. Special attention is given to the converter conduction and switching losses. By analyzing the switching losses, and by assuming that an ideal soft-switching scheme will have zero switching losses, one can evaluate the improvement in the system efficiency if a soft-switching control is used. The relative significance of soft switching for EV and HEV system will then be established.


Keywords - Electric vehicle/hybrid electric vehicle soft-switching evaluation, soft-switched electric vehicle/hybrid electric vehicle motor drives, soft switching.


Diesel Power Generation on Rural Areas in Brazil and Efective Opportunities for Renewable Sources


PECORELLI PERES, Luiz A.,  HORTA, Luiz A. N.,  LAMBERT TORRES, Germano. Proceedings of the 5th CSCC-MCP-MCME 2000 WORLD MULTICONFERENCE WSES/IEEE, Edited by N.E. Mastorakis,  Rethymno, Greece (July 8-15, 2001)


Abstract - This work focuses the evaluation of air emissions from Diesel power generation, as a externality to be considered, in the decision process to choose other energetic supply alternative in rural remote areas


Key-words - Energy, environment, power generation, country area, planing.




Discussão e Estimativa das Emissões Indiretas Provocadas Pelos Veículos a Gasolina na Bacia Aérea III da Região Metropolitana do Rio de Janeiro. 


PECORELLI PERES, Luiz A., GOLUB, Aron, HORTA, Luiz A. N.,  LAMBERT TORRES, Germano. XI Congresso Brasileiro de Meteorologia, Rio de Janeiro, Outubro de 2000.


Abstract - Several studies have showed the influence of the gasoline automobiles on air quality in urban centers. Recent calculations confirm this behavior in the Air Shed III of the Rio de Janeiro Metropolitan Region (RJMR). In order to evaluate the air pollution impacts from these vehicles it is important to investigate the indirect emissions, i. e., those originated from the gasoline production, at the refineries, and  from the delivering and refueling process. This text presents an estimate of the indirect emissions in the RJMR. The results indicate that these emissions are significant and encourage to continue this project.


Key Wordsair pollution, automobiles, emissions, urban centers




Considerations about Electric Vehicles Impacts on Daily Load and Environment


PECORELLI PERES, Luiz A.,  HORTA, Luiz A. N.,  LAMBERT TORRES, Germano. Proceedings of the 4th CSCC-MCP-MCME 2000 WORLD MULTICONFERENCE WSES/IEEE, Edited by N.E. Mastorakis, Athens, Greece (July 10-15, 2000)


Abstract: - The city transportation mix increase towards the use of battery powered vehicles. In view of the latter technological improvements provided by the makers of these cars there are potential gains for the electric utilities companies supply these vehicles. Furthermore, this means an effective oil fuel consumption reduction, and additional air and noise pollution decrease.  This text purposes a probabilistic analysis of the impacts on daily load curves in view of vehicle battery recharges. Also discuss some energy and environmental effects.


Key-Words: - vehicles, batteries, planning, environment, energy.






Planejamento do Sistema com a Inclusão dos Novos Veículos Elétricos e a Gestão Ambiental


PECORELLI PERES, Luiz A.,  HORTA, Luiz A. N.,  LAMBERT TORRES, Germano. VII Symposium of Specialists in Electric Operational and Expansion Planning, Curitiba, Brasil, Maio de 2000


Resumo - Este trabalho apresenta a questão dos veículos elétricos como carga a ser atendida pelas empresas de energia elétrica. Uma metodologia para a sua avaliação é aqui descrita. São enfatizadas as características não emissoras de poluentes para a atmosfera destes veículos e a expectativa do aumento das vendas de energia, constituindo, assim, numa possível estratégia de gestão ambiental das empresas, ao incorporarem tais veículos, também, nas suas frotas.


Palavras-chave - Planejamento, Meio Ambiente, Veículos Elétricos, Demanda, Transporte



A Inserção do Veículo Elétrico no Planejamento Estratégico das Empresas de Energia


PECORELLI PERES, Luiz A.,  HORTA, Luiz A. N.,  LAMBERT TORRES, Germano.,  VIII ERLAC, CIGRÉ, Ciudad del Este, Paraguay, 1999.


Resumo - Motivado  pelas perspectivas favoráveis dos veículos elétricos, decorrente de seu desenvolvimento tecnológico recente, é sugerido neste trabalho que se inclua este assunto na elaboração do planejamento estratégico das empresas de energia. As possibilidades de maior faturamento aliadas a uma efetiva redução de emissões prejudiciais na atmosfera, bem como, do consumo de combustíveis, estabelecem argumentos com potencial suficiente de atratividade para que estas questões sejam examinadas mais profundamente. Procura-se, portanto, neste trabalho apresentar subsídios conceituais e metodológicos às análises nas quais são consideradas estes novos e importantes consumidores  atuando  futuramente  de forma  intensa no  mercado.


Palavras-Chave: veículo elétrico, planejamento, sistemas de potência, meio ambiente, transporte




Influências Sobre os Sistemas de Energia com a Introdução dos Veículos Elétricos na Sociedade.


PECORELLI PERES, Luiz A.,  HORTA, Luiz A. N.,  LAMBERT TORRES, Germano.,  III Congresso Latino-Americano Geração Transmissão de Energia Elétrica, Campos do Jordão, SP, Brasil, 1997.


ResumoEste trabalho apresenta um panorama dos aspectos técnicos mais relevantes a respeito da introdução dos veículos elétricos como meio de transporte. Especialmente é destacada a influência sobre o planejamento e operação das redes de energia bem como os aspectos ambientais decorrentes. Devido às peculiaridades do Brasil é possível se antever ganhos consideráveis para a sociedade e para as empresas de energia elétrica.


Palavras-Chave: veículo elétrico, baterias, meio ambiente, sistema de potência, controladores, motores






